Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've been busy, and here are some of my newest creations in further detail than has hitherto been revealed! The last two are a sneak peak of my first crochet pattern to be released soon!

Crocheted Baby Bear Hat
Maria (about 10 weeks)

Aww...someone's not happy...

But that's better!

Crocheted Frilly-Brimmed Sunhat - 3 to 6 months size
Lilly (3 months)

...A little worried...

But a good laugh always sets things right!

Crocheted Frilly-Brimmed Sunhat - size 6 to 9 months
Kamryn (6 months)

Just plain, ol', utter...



FullquivOrr said...

How cute, Gabrielle!

You've done a great job. I must say that the bear hat is my favorite - I have a weakness for chocolate brown and baby girl pink : ). All of your models are simply adorable, just like their hats : ).

Keep up the good work!


cortnieb said...

I found you from JK photography!! I am in LOVE with your hats!! You are beyond talented!!!

Trend Setting Mom said...

New follower from JK Photography! You have some fabulous crochet skills!
bowsbymomma at gmail dot com