Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Back from a short break!

I'm back! As I'm sure some of you noticed, this blog has been rather quiet so far this year. I decided it was time to take a blogging break due to a back injury in December, and thanks to the help of my chiropractor, I think I'm over the worst of it, so I'm back to blogging!

I will be making some structured changes to this blog in the next month, including a schedule of crafty posts, i.e. tutorials on Tuesday, inspiration for new craft projects on another day, etc..., and re-working my side bar to include more detailed, comprehensive lists of my favorite sewing and crafting websites. I have lots of new favorites I'm looking forward to sharing with y'all!

And what have I been up to these past few months? Not quite as much photography as I'd like, but with spring around the corner now, there will be plenty of beauty outside to photograph.

 I've been working on lots of little fun sewing projects for the shops, including this sweet Apple applique onesie!
 This fleece owl receiving blanket was another quick, fun little project to whip up!

Would you believe this is yours truly? Along with a younger brother aspiring to perfect his photography skills, I had fun doing a 'Black Rider' photo shoot one rainy, foggy evening, and then editing in Photoshop!

Plus, check out our family blog! One of my little brothers, who especially enjoys using a camera, did his own blog post on my craft businesses! 

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